East Village Building Blocks

333 Bowery; 331-333 Bowery | Block : 458 | Lot #4

  • Building Date : 1875
  • Original Use : Commercial
  • Original Owner : John Wolfe
  • Original Architect : John B. Snook

Description & Building Alterations

The new building permit of 1875 seen in the Real Estate Record and Builders Guide called for the construction of two buldings for stores, one five stories and one three stories. However the tax record from 1876 show that two five story buildings were constructed and they were perhaps combined through an alteration at a later time.

According to a 1903 map, in that year this building had a bowling alley in the basement, a saloon and hall on the first floor, and a cigar factory on floors 2-5. Refer to the 1903 map (link at the sidebar) for the older variant spelling “segar”. About a decade later, the building was used as a store and lofts.

In the 1980s, the building housed the Kenton Hotel.

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Block : 458 / Lot : 004 / Building Date : 1875 / Original Owner: John Wolfe / Original Use : Commercial / Original Architect: John B. Snook

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