324-326 East 9th Street | Block : 450 | Lot #16
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story new-law brick tenement was erected in 1903, together with the building next to it on Lot 18, for stores and 22 families. The facade features a bracketed galvanized-iron cornice with a decorated frieze, contrasting white brick quoining, decorative terra-cotta details, splayed lintels, keystones, brick panels, and round-arched window openings at the fifth story’s flanking bays, enframed by brick pilasters. The entrance is surrounded by iron pilasters supporting a molded entablature with brackets.
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Block : 450 / Lot : 016 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Max Dorf / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : David Stone
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