313-315 Bowery | Block : 457 | Lot #5
Description & Building Alterations
This building was originally constructed as two Old Law tenements in 1878. In 1934 architects Scacchetti & Siegel demolished the top two floors of each tenement and combined the buildings by removing the interior walls to create a four-story, four-bay lodging house with a yellow brick Art Deco facade that still exists today. The building became the infamous 20th century flophouse known as the Palace Bar & Hotel, which lodged 500 indigent men. In 1969 Hilly Kristal, manager of the Village Vanguard jazz club, opened a club here called Hilly’s on the Bowery. In 1973, he changed the name to CBGB – “Country, Blue Grass, and Blues” – which remained here until 2006. This site launched the careers of The Ramones, Talking Heads, Blondie, and many others. In 2013, the former location of CBGB was added to the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Bowery Historic District. The other half of the building, No. 313, housed Kristal, a record store, art gallery, second performance space, and store called CBGB Fashions. After closing, No. 315 became a John Varvatos boutique and No. 313 became Morrison Hotel, a music photography gallery.
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Block : 457 / Lot : 5 / Building Date : 1878/1934 alt. / Original Owner: Jacob Weeks (1878); Unknown (1934) / Original Use : Residential & Commercial / Original Architect : J. Correja (1878); Scacchetti & Siegel (1934)
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