310 East 11th Street; 310-312 East 11th Street | Block : 452 | Lot #13
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story structure was originally built in 1889 as a four-story stable owned by St. Marks Church. It was raised one-story higher in 1903, still to be used as a stable and carriage house. Its occupancy was changed from stable to garage during an alteration in 1924.
The present facade features a red brick surface with incised patterned brickwork, projecting brick piers flanking the building and at the fourth through fifth stories, window lintels, and beltcourses.
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Block : 452 / Lot : 013 / Building Date : 1889 / Original Owner : St. Marks Church, V. J. King Treas / Original Use : Stable / Original Architect : Franklin Baylies
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