East Village Building Blocks

309 East 10th Street | Block : 404 | Lot #51

  • Building Date : c. 1840s; 1871/1906 (alterations)
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Sarah Kohen (1906)
  • Original Architect : Harry Zlot (1906)

Description & Building Alterations

This four-story brick building with a brownstone ground level was originally built in the 1840’s and portions of it may still date to that period.  An alteration was completed in 1871 raising it to five stories and in 1906 an additional alteration was executed for then owner Sarah Kohen by architect Harry Zlot.

The alteration in 1906  included a new Renaissance Revival façade.  The cornice consists of dentils, modillions and a geometric decorated frieze. The fire escapes, stoop railing and posts, and areaway fence are iron and are examples of historic metalwork. It also features a stone base with a projecting entrance portico, molded stone window lintels and bracketed sills.

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Block : 404 / Lot : 051 / Building Date : c. 1840s; 1871/1906 (alterations) / Original Owner : Sarah Kohen (1906) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Harry Zlot (1906)

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