East Village Building Blocks

305 East 4th Street | Block : 374 | Lot #7501

  • Building Date : 1872
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : E.V. Loew
  • Original Architect : Frank L. Burns

Description & Building Alterations

This building was constructed in 1872 along with the buildings at 54, 56 and 58 Avenue C by E. V. Loew as a ten family tenement.  Loew employed the services of architect Frank Burns of 919 Third Avenue to design the building which cost $12,000 to construct.  

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The plans indicate that the buildings were to be faced with brownstone.  In 1893 the building was altered by creating a new stairway at the street to the basement and new doors and windows at the front and rear of the building at the basement level.  These alterations were done so that the basement could be converted into a dining room and kitchen for the owner, Samuel Greenfield of 116 Columbia Street.  In the late 1890’s the building was again altered, this time removing and replacing the cellar and first story walls.  Fire escapes were added to the building in 1938 by owner Max Streger.

Block : 374 / Lot : 7501 / Building Date : 1872 / Original Owner : E.V. Loew / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Frank L. Burns

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