305 East 10th Street | Block : 404 | Lot #53
Description & Building Alterations
This four-story brick building (with basement and cellar) was constructed c. 1845 for owner William F. Pinchbeck and designed by Joseph Trench.
The facade features peaked brown stone lintels and a detailed white cornice. The basement, stoop, and first-floor entryway are constructed of brownstone as well. The remaining two first-floor windows have gated window boxes. There are wrought-iron railings with newel posts and a fence in front. The building was formerly a tenement including a doctor’s office at one time, and it is now entirely residential.
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Block : 404 / Lot : 053 / Building Date : c. 1845 / Original Owner : William F. Pinchbeck / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Joseph Trench (attributed)
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