304 East 8th Street | Block : 390 | Lot #9
Description & Building Alterations
Lot 9 is comprised of former lots 9 and 10. These two new law tenements were constructed in 1905 by architect George Frederick Pelham for original owners Keamer & Rockmore. The buildings originally contained stores on the ground floor on either side of the central entrance, though many alterations have transpired since their construction. It was originally occupied by 17 families and stores.
Today, one storefront still exists and the other has been closed off and converted to a dwelling unit or office space. Given the location of iron columns, and the building application that specifies construction of two separate buildings, a second entrance to the left of the present door may have existed in order to access 306 East 8th Street. Other changes include the loss of a cornice since the 1980s and the removal of some ornamentation between the third and fifth floors.
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Block : 390 / Lot : 009 / Building Date : 1905 / Original Owner : Keamer & Rockmore / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham
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