East Village Building Blocks

28-30 Avenue A | Block : 398 | Lot #2

  • Building Date : 1871/1959 alt.
  • Original Use : Institutional
  • Original Owner : Estate of C. Balton
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

Built in 1871 as Concordia Hall, this building originally functioned as a meeting place for the German community and housed three separate social societies. When it was constructed, the five-story building had an ornate Second Empire facade with three dormer windows and a central cupola. It was designed as a kitschy mid-century modern facade in contrast to the sameness of most International Modernism.

In the early 1920s, the building was converted into retail space. By 1939, the furniture store Burger-Klein had moved in, and in 1959 a fire destroyed the roof and much of the fifth floor. In the reconstruction, a new facade was put on the old building.

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Block : 398 / Lot : 2 / Building Date : 1871/1959 alt. / Original Owner : Estate of C. Balton  / Original Use : Institutional / Original Architect : Unknown

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