25 Avenue A | Block : 429 | Lot #33
Description & Building Alterations
A row house was built at this site in 1837, as seen in the tax records, and it served as a residence through 1869 as seen in the city directories (formerly it was No. 21). In October of 1869, the newly formed Teutonia Savings Bank at 7 Avenue A purchased the property. The 1870-71 city directory does not list 25 Avenue A as either a residence or a business; this could indicate an alteration or new building during this time but no permits could be found. The following year, Teutonia Bank was listed at this location as well as an insurance agent and a resident. In 1879 there was an alteration of the building by William Jose.
This is a four story brick building with stone trim and lintels. The modern second story window, which covers the entire front and side of the building, features an irregular, stylized arrangement of glass panes.
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Block : 429 / Lot : 033 / Building Date : 1837/c. 1870 / Original Owner : James Pachell / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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