East Village Building Blocks

24 Avenue B, 194 2nd Street | Block : 398 | Lot #35

  • Building Date : 1998
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Greendel Developers
  • Original Architect : Simon Fouladian Consulting Engineer

Description & Building Alterations

This new building, constructed in 1998, sits on eight lots on the northwest corner of Avenue B and 2nd Street. It incorporates residential apartments and commercial space, much like the tenements of the area. It is a full-service building with just over 60 units. Previously, this site housed several pre-law tenement buildings.

The tenements on lots 40-42 (or 194-198 2nd Street) were demolished between 1933 and 1940. The demolition of two of these buildings was completed by the Work Progress Administration (WPA), which was funded by the government following the Great Depression to give job opportunities to the unemployed. A Safeway grocery store, now gone, was erected on these lots in 1950.

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Block : 398 / Lot : 35 / Building Date : 1998/ Original Owner : Greendel Developers / Original Use : Residential/Comercial / Original Architect : Simon Fouladian Consulting Engineer

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