228 Avenue B | Block : 407 | Lot #31
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story new law tenement is a continuation of the neighboring building on the corner of Avenue B and East 14th Street. The building appears to be clad in a red “Harvard brick” in a Flemish bond pattern and has high relief terra cotta ornamentation. The lintel keystones on the fifth floor feature lion’s heads. The outermost window bays at the second and fourth floors have elaborate Corinthian columns that support a decorated entablature.
The storefront has been replaced; however, the building’s original cornice is still present and serves as evidence of what the cornice on the neighboring building once looked like.
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Block : 407 / Lot : 031 / Building Date : 1906 / Original Owner : The Terra Firma Building Co. / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Charles M. Straub
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