220 East 10th Street | Block : 451 | Lot #21
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story brick tenement was constructed in 1897, designed by George Frederick Pelham, who was the architect of a large number of tenements in East Village/Lower East Side.
The building facade features brick round arches at second and fourth stories, decorative tympanums on fourth floor, lintels with segmental-arched pediments at third story, ornamented beltcourses and brickwork, keystones, and round-arched entrance opening flanked by columns, supporting a bracketed entablature with spandrels beneath. The historic cornice has been removed and much of the ground floor store front has been bricked up although historic cast-iron pilasters are seen flanking at the first floor corners.
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Block : 451 / Lot : 021 / Building Date : 1897 / Original Owner : Bernard Klingenstein / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham
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