220 Avenue A | Block : 407 | Lot #6
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story tenement building was built in 1850, according to tax records. The building’s facade is probably the result of a 1907 facade alteration, which utilized light brick and the Renaissance Revival details of the arched windows and the terracotta faces in the keystones. The storefront has since been altered.
This lot also holds a back house that was likely constructed at the same time as the front structure. This second tenement provided additional rentable space on the lot, a plan typical of early tenement development before the advent of deeper structures, which covered more of the lot and were known as “railroad” tenements.
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Block : 407 / Lot : 006 / Building Date : 1850 / Original Owner : John German / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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