209 East 5th Street | Block : 461 | Lot #52
Description & Building Alterations
This five story with basement brick brownstone was built circa 1865. It features segmental windows and entryway, an elaborate cornice with scrolled brackets, foliation, frieze panels, and rosettes. Alterations include shaved lintels, replacement railings on the stoop, the addition of the fire escape, replacement storefronts with box awnings, security gates, and non-historic lights.
According to the book Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914 by Tom Goyens, the saloon Zum groben Michel – translated to Rough Mike’s or Tough Mike’s – operated out of the basement of this building in the late nineteenth century. The business served as the unofficial headquarters of the German-speaking Communist and anarchist community, and Emma Goldman is said to have frequented this location.
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Block : 461 / Lot : 52 / Building Date : Circa 1865 / Original Owner : Robert Strad / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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