East Village Building Blocks

198 East 7th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #17

  • Building Date : 1899
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Charles Weinstein
  • Original Architect : Schneider & Herter

Description & Building Alterations

This six-story old law tenement building was constructed in 1899 by original owner Charles Weinstein and designed by architects Schneider and Herter. It was originally occupied by 24 families, four families per each of the floors. By the 1980s, the building had been converted to house thirteen families.

It is six stories high and four bays wide at the upper floors and three bays wide at the first floor with a centered entry.  The façade features light-colored brick with stone ornament.  The first floor entrance is enframed by stonework and colonettes resting on stone plinths. A denticulated beltcourse separates the first and second stories.  At the fourth floor that windows are arched with egg and dart molding and scrolled keystones.  The 1940s tax photo indicates that the building had a heavy projecting roof cornice, though this features was removed by the 1980s.

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Block : 389 / Lot : 017 / Building Date : 1899 / Original Owner : Charles Weinstein / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Schneider & Herter


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