191 Avenue A; 191-193 Avenue A; 444 East 12th Street | Block : 439 | Lot #28
Description & Building Alterations
Three buildings stand on this lot. The two tenements at 191 & 193 Avenue A were probably built in 1851-53. Their first stories were combined as a funeral parlor in the mid- to late 20th century. The one-story building with a stepped parapet peaked at center was erected prior to the 1890s, when it can be seen on a historic map published at that time. It was used as a chapel at one point.
The tenements on Avenue A currently share an identical facade, featuring simple bracketed cornice with frieze, molded window lintels and simple rectangular sills. The first-story front appears to have been largely altered.
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Block : 439 / Lot : 028 / Building Date : 1851-53 (no. 191 & 193), pre-1890s (no. 444) / Original Owner : David Keiser / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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