East Village Building Blocks

190 East 7th Street; 607 East 6th Street | Block : 389 | Lot #11

  • Building Date : 1999
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : P.S. 71 Associates
  • Original Architect : Simon Fouladian

Description & Building Alterations

Lot 11 is comprised of a large, seven-story, two-building apartment complex called Tompkins Square Plaza. The complex stretches through the block from East 7th Street to East 6th Street, and was consolidated with former Lots 56, 58 and 59 on East 6th Street.

A single entrance to the complex exists at No. 190 East 7th Street, while the building on East 6th Street faces inward to an open space in the center of the block. Prior to construction of Tompkins Square Plaza in 1999, the large property had been vacant for decades. Public School No. 71, once on East 7th Street, was torn down in 1967 and three buildings were lost on the rear of the lot (facing East 6th Street) around the same time.

Former lots 58 and 59 (Nos. 603-605 East 6th Street) were two old law tenement buildings constructed in 1898 by Max Muller. Typical of the type, there were stores on the ground floor and eleven families in each five-story building. Former lot 56 (609 East 6th Street) was a five-story tenement building constructed in 1899 by Michael Bernstein and demolished in 1967. According to a 1940s tax photo, there was a school building at No. 607 East 6th Street, which may have been associated with P.S. 71 behind it, according to a demolition application.

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Block : 389 / Lot : 011 / Building Date : 1999 / Original Owner : P.S. 71 Associates / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Simon Fouladian

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