East Village Building Blocks

190 East 2nd Street; 190-192 East 2nd Street | Block : 398 | Lot #43

  • Building Date : 1903
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Samuel Mandel and Harris Maran
  • Original Architect : Horenburger & Straub

Description & Building Alterations

This new law tenement was designed by Horenburger & Straub in 1903 to house 28 families on five floors over first floor shops. Built in the Renaissance Revival style, the facade uses red and white bricks to create the illusion of stone quoins and beltcourses. The window lintels alternate between floors but use classically inspired elements to enhance the design. The pressed metal cornice features wreaths and garland swags, popular motifs in the Renaissance Revival style.

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Block : 398 / Lot : 43 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Samuel Mandel and Harris Maran / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Horenburger & Straub

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