182 First Avenue; 401 East 11th Street; 401-403 East 11th Street | Block : 439 | Lot #1
Description & Building Alterations
Currently, two buildings stand on this lot. The five-story brick tenement at 182 First Avenue was built in 1866-67 for stores and 8 families, designed by architect Julius Boekell. Its present facade features a bracketed cornice, segmental-arched window openings with molded lintels, and footed sills. Windows have been added and altered at the two center bays on the front facade. The first story has also been altered and filled in with bricks. The two-story extension at 403 East 11th Street was originally erected in 1866-67 as a one-story store and was altered into a five-story tenement around the turn of the century.
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Block : 439 / Lot : 001 / Building Date : 1866-67, 1952 / Original Owner : Martin Miller / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Julius Boekell
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