East Village Building Blocks

172-176 East 7th Street | Block : 402 | Lot #29

  • Building Date : 1928
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Bierman Realty Corp
  • Original Architect : Harry Hurwitt

Description & Building Alterations

This six-story apartment house can be considered a “new-law” tenement building and is a relatively late addition to the neighborhood’s tenements, having been constructed in 1928.  The building is clad in a beige brick.  This brickwork simulates a rusticated stone base on the first and second floors and then becomes a flat surface on the upper stories.  The building has a classically inspired entryway incorporating Corinthian pilasters and a cartouche atop the pediment.  Otherwise there is little other ornamentation besides variations in the brickwork and the slightly decorative brick parapet.

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Block : 402 / Lot : 029 / Building Date : 1928 / Original Owner : Bierman Realty Corp / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Harry Hurwitt

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