East Village Building Blocks

171 Avenue B | Block : 393 | Lot #7

  • Building Date : 1885
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Catherine Zimmerman
  • Original Architect : J.H. Valentine

Description & Building Alterations

This five-story Neo-Grec tenement has always had commercial space on the ground floor.  The second, third and fourth floors have tan sandstone courses that connect the lintels of the same material, while the fifth floor has a course connecting the window sills.  The course between the third and fourth floors contain a decorative terracotta floral motif and the top floor features decorative swag terracotta spandrel panels.  This building was built to the same design as its neighbors on lots 5 and 6.  The building appears to have some intact elements of an original cast-iron storefront including some colonettes.

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Block : 393 / Lot : 007 / Building Date : 1885 / Original Owner : Catherine Zimmerman / Original Use : Residential/Commercial  / Original Architect : J.H. Valentine


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