166 Second Avenue | Block : 452 | Lot #2
Description & Building Alterations
This 15-story with tower apartment building, Warren Hall, was erected in 1929 by architect Emery Roth for the N. Y. C. Baptist Mission Society during a period when developers pinpointed this area as a site for luxury high-rises. It replaced a Gothic sanctuary built in 1850 by the Baptist Tabernacle, which was founded in 1839. Warren Hall was partially used as sanctuary originally, and the inscription “Baptist Tabernacle” still decorates the main entrance today.
The building facade features projecting brick piers, banding, recessed point-arched entrance openings with incised ornament, three round-arched openings on the central tower, and decorative panels beneath roof railings.
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Block : 452 / Lot : 002 / Building Date : 1929 / Original Owner : N. Y. C. Baptist Mission Society / Original Use : Religious Institution / Original Architect : Emery Roth
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