East Village Building Blocks

16-18 Second Avenue | Block : 442 | Lot #7

  • Building Date : 1900
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Leopold Kaufmann
  • Original Architect : Schneider & Herter

Description & Building Alterations

This seven-story brick tenement building was built in 1900 by owner Leopold Kaufmann and designed by architects Schneider & Herter. It was originally occupied by 30 families, five per floor beginning on the second floor. The first floor was occupied by stores, and it still is today.

The facade features decorative brickwork, including window enframements with flanking pilasters on the third floor and triangular pediments on the fifth floor windows, round-arched window openings at the seventh floor, and darker stone beltcourses.

Known as the Cube Building, No. 16-18 Second Avenue is now a 22-unit cooperative for formerly homeless families developed by the Cooper Square Committee in 1989. Prior, it was an abandoned Department of Housing Preservation and Development-owned building. The project serves as the first nation-wide example of a cooperative housing venture for homeless families.

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Block : 442 / Lot : 007 / Building Date : 1900 / Original Owner : Leopold Kaufmann / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Schneider & Herter

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