East Village Building Blocks

150 East 7th Street; 150-152 East 7th Street | Block : 402 | Lot #19

  • Building Date : 1961
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Kushap Realty Corp
  • Original Architect : Martin Elkind

Description & Building Alterations

This building may have the remnants of late nineteenth-century tenements as the underlying structure, but the building’s current facade dates to 1961. The apartment building is a continuation of the remodeling that occurred on lots 11 and 15. The simple modern beige-brick facade has little ornamentation except for a thin stringcourse running horizontally under the windows of all the upper floors.  Each window bay consists of a set of three double-hung aluminum windows.  There are also grates for air conditioners under each set of windows. The lot was once part of William B. Astor’s holdings between 1850-1875.

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  Block : 402 / Lot : 019 / Building Date : 1961 / Original Owner : Kushap Realty Corp / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Martin Elkind


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