East Village Building Blocks

149 Avenue C | Block : 392 | Lot #36

  • Building Date : 1903
  • Original Use : New-Law Tenement/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Nevins & Perelman
  • Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

Description & Building Alterations

Built in 1903 and designed by George F. Pelham, this tenement building housed 11 families and a first floor store.  The 6-story tall, 3-bays wide Renaissance Revival style building has terra cotta on the upper five floors and cast iron on the first floor that feature scroll work, acanthus leaves, egg and dart trim, and other classically-inspired details popular in this aesthetic.  The size of the building, about half the width of other tenements on the block from this time, differentiates it and the window openings and slightly projecting left two bays emphasize this narrow facade.  The missing cornice would likely have enhanced this by exaggerating the undulation of the facade.

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Block : 392 / Lot : 036 / Building Date : 1903  / Original Owner : Nevins & Perelman / Original Use : New-Law Tenement/Commercial / Original Architect : George Frederick Pelham

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