140 East 7th Street; 134-140 East 7th Street | Block : 402 | Lot #11
Description & Building Alterations
This building may have the remnants of late nineteenth-century tenements as the underlying structure, but the building’s current facades date to 1955. The apartment building is five stories tall and has 100 feet of frontage along the street. The simple modern beige-brick facade has little ornamentation except for a thin string course running horizontally under the windows of all the upper floors. Each window bay consists of a set of three double-hung aluminum windows. There are also grates for air conditioners under each set of windows. It is similar to the apartment complex directly to the east, which was likely redeveloped at the same time.
This lot was once part of William B. Astor’s holdings and was leased out to various people between 1860-1875.
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Block : 402 / Lot : 011 / Building Date : 1955 / Original Owner : Kushap Realty Corp / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect: Martin Elkind
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