East Village Building Blocks

132 St. Mark’s Place; 125 Avenue A | Block : 435 | Lot #30

  • Building Date : 1903
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Marie Wimpie
  • Original Architect : Bernstein & Bernstein

Description & Building Alterations

This six-story new-law tenement was constructed in 1903 and originally housed 10 families with 2 apartments on each floor. The brick building is located on Avenue A at the corner of St. Mark’s Place facing Tompkins Square Park. The building stretches six bays along St. Mark’s Place and is three bays wide along Avenue A. The first story of the building has always served a commercial function while the second through sixth floors are residential. The lot was also once part of William B. Astor’s holdings and was leased out to various people between c. 1850-1875.

The corner of the building, where Avenue A and St. Mark’s Place meet, projects outward slightly giving the appearance of a corner tower.  Brick quoins mark all corners of the building, including the projected corner. The building  features splayed flat window lintels with foliate and scroll keystones, segmental-arched lintels with elaborate tympanum at the fourth-story windows at corner bays, and a bracketed roof cornice with decorated frieze. The original storefront was replaced in 1915.

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Block : 435 / Lot : 030 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Marie Wimpie / Original Use : Residential/Commercial  / Original Architect: Bernstein & Bernstein

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