East Village Building Blocks

119 Avenue D | Block : 378 | Lot #35

  • Building Date : 1883
  • Original Use : Industrial
  • Original Owner : Robert and Ogden Goelet
  • Original Architect : Joseph M. Dunn

Description & Building Alterations

This five story building was constructed in 1883 as a factory for Robert and Ogden Goelet of the socially prominent Goelet family. Arriving in New York City in the 17th century, the family had come to acquire a lot of land that contributed to their vast wealth.

When a fire damaged this building in the 1890s, the Goelets hired McKim, Meade & White to repair it. The 1898 alteration application noted that the building housed cabinetmakers and wood turners. Although this project may seem small for such a renowned architecture firm, Stanford White was a good friend of the Goelets and had likely done this as a favor. McKim, Meade & White also designed the Goelet Building at 900 Broadway, which is now in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District.

By 1959, this building was still used for light manufacturing, though today it is a residential building. Although it likely originally had a simple facade design, the building has since lost its cornice and the window lintels have been shaved.

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Block : 378 / Lot : 035 / Building Date : 1883 / Original Owner : Robert and Ogden Goelet / Original Use : Industrial / Original Architect : Joseph M. Dunn

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