119 Avenue A | Block : 435 | Lot #33
Description & Building Alterations
This four-story building was originally erected in 1858-59, along with the buildings at 115-117, and 121-123 Avenue A. The lot was once part of William B. Astor’s holdings and was leased out in 1859. Little Odessa is at this location and serves Ukrainian fare.
The present facade of No. 119 has been highly altered from its original appearance. The brick building features a store front at the first level and simple rectangular window lintels but does not maintain any decorative details. The historic cornice, molded window lintels and sills have been stripped.
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Block : 435 / Lot : 033 / Building Date : 1858-59 / Original Owner : Bessy & Hipler / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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