East Village Building Blocks

118-124 3rd Avenue, 154 East 14th Street, 150 East 14th Street | Block : 559 | Lot #32, 35

  • Building Date : Mid-19th c./late-20th c. alt.
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Unknown
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

As seen on the 1853 map, this site was originally four lots with a manufactory at the corner lot and row houses with stores at the lots to the south and along Third Avenue. According to the Musical Instrument Makers of New York directory, Laurence P. Cummings made and sold pianos at this address from 1854 to 1856 (p. 34). All four buildings were still intact as of 1955 according to the map from that year. By the 1980’s tax photo, the northern lots still had their original 19th structures while at the southern lots, the upper stories had been removed from the houses. By 2007 all of the buildings had been reduced to single story and in 2011 they were renovated to their current appearance.

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Block : 559 / Lot : 32, 35 / Building Date : Mid-19th c./late-20th c. alt. / Original Owner : Unknown / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown

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