East Village Building Blocks

112 East 4th Street; 112-116 East 4th Street | Block : 445 | Lot #22

  • Building Date : 1865-66 (112-114), 1960 (116)
  • Original Use : Residential (112-114), Commercial (116)
  • Original Owner : Henry Knebel (112-114), Sam Bergenthal (116)
  • Original Architect : Unknown (112-114), Stanley Rapaport (116)

Description & Building Alterations

Three buildings currently exist on this lot. In 1865-66, two five-story tenements were built at No. 112-114 East 4th Street. The one-story building at 116 East 4th Street was erected in 1960 for a store, storage and sale of meat, replacing another five-story brick tenement building originally on site that.

The two existing tenements feature a decorated cornice with brackets, arched window lintels and sills. They underwent alterations designed by Louis A. Steinart in 1921 and the ground floor storefront was largely altered. The facade of the one-story building at 116 has been altered as well.

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Block : 445 / Lot : 022 / Building Date : 1865-66 (112-114), 1960 (116) / Original Owner : Henry Knebel (112-114), Sam Bergenthal (116) / Original Use : Residential (112-114), Commercial (116) / Original Architect : Unknown (112-114), Stanley Rapaport (116)

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