113 Avenue C | Block : 390 | Lot #35
Description & Building Alterations
No. 113 Avenue C was constructed along with its neighbors on either side in approximately 1846, according to tax records, for original owners Maguire and Brady. The group of buildings was owned by McGuire and Brady and included two additional buildings at the corner of Avenue C and East 7th Street.
The first Department of Buildings record on file from 1874 states that the building was occupied by a store and dwelling. It was in that year that the building was extended to the rear by 18 feet, one story tall; it appears the ground floor was converted into a saloon after the alteration. The building today is solely residential with two apartments units.
It is three stories high, five bays wide and clad in brick with brownstone lintels and sills. The first floor has been sigificantly altered bu the metal bracketed cornice is intact.
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Block : 390 / Lot : 035 / Building Date : 1846 / Original Owner : Maguire & Brady / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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