East Village Building Blocks

111 Avenue C | Block : 390 | Lot #36

  • Building Date : 1846; alt. 2000
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Maguire & Brady
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

The original construction date for 111 Avenue C is roughly 1846, according to tax records. The building was originally three stories tall and shared a similar appearance to the two buildings to its north, which were constructed at the same time and by the same owners, Maguire and Brady.

In 2000, an application was made to add a story to the building and rebuild the front façade. Renovations were completed and a new Certificate of Occupancy was issued in 2002. Today the building contains two apartments and a store on the ground floor.

The current facade features brickwork on the upper three floors and woodwork on the ground floor. Concrete blocks rise vertically off center, separating the two bays.

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Block : 390 / Lot : 036 / Building Date : 1846; alt. 2000 / Original Owner : Maguire & Brady / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown

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