East Village Building Blocks

111-117 Avenue B; 179-185 East 7th Street | Block : 390 | Lot #1

  • Building Date : 1954
  • Original Use : School
  • Original Owner : St. Brigids Church
  • Original Architect : Brown, Guenther, Booss

Description & Building Alterations

Lot 1 is comprised of historic lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Avenue B, and 65, 66, and 67 on East 7th Street. In December of 1936, a demolition permit was filed to remove eight buildings on lots 62, 65, 66 and 67, which included five tenements on Seventh Street Place (now part of lot 5). Seventh Street Place was a diagonal alleyway towards the center of the block, and contained five tenement buildings.

In historic maps, the former street is sometimes referred to as “Leandert’s Place,” and appears to have followed an old property line that predates the established Manhattan street grid. St. Brigid’s Church owned the properties, with all demolition work performed by the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Former tenements on lots 1-4 appear to have been demolished in 1941, with the intention of constructing a U.S. Post Office in their place.

In 1954, a new building permit was filed by St. Brigid’s for a school on the property (NB 14-54). The building is currently used as a school, and continues to be under the ownership of St. Brigid’s Church.

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Block : 390 / Lot : 001 / Building Date : 1954 / Original Owner : St. Brigids Church / Original Use : School / Original Architect : Brown, Guenther, Booss

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