251-257 East 2nd Street; 7-11 Avenue C; 348-350 East Houston Street | Block : 384 | Lot #33
Description & Building Alterations
In 2017, a new building pemit was filed with DOB for a 10-story mixed-use building and it is still under construction. Photo shows previous occupant of the site.
In 1957, the pre-existing building was demolished and lots 30 through 36 were consolidated into lot 33 when Houston Street was widened: by 1960 a gas station occupied the lot. Based on a Certificate of Occupancy from1939, lot 30 (251 East 2nd Street) was once occupied by a five-story tenement with two storefronts and ten apartments. Lot 33 (7-11 Avenue C) had a use consistent with surrounding buildings and it contained five storefronts and 20 apartments, according to a Certificate of Occupancy issued in 1934.
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Block : 384 / Lot : 033 / Building Date : 2018 (under construction) / Original Owner : 350 East Houston LLC / Original Use : Commercial / Original Architect : SLCE Architects
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