East Village Building Blocks

84 Third Avenue; 78-84 Third Avenue; 138 East 12th Street | Block : 556-2 | Lot #7502

  • Building Date : 2014
  • Original Use : Commercial/Residential
  • Original Owner : YYY Third Avenue, LLC
  • Original Architect : Karl Fischer

Description & Building Alterations

This nine-story concrete building was completed in 2014 and houses Westside Market on the ground floor and 85 residential units in the upper floors. In 1872, pre-law tenements with commercial on the ground floor were constructed at 74 and 76 Third Avenue. The residential floors of these buildings were vacant and boarded up for some time before being demolished to make way for Westside Market. Records from 1887 show that the building at 78-84 Third Avenue was a three-story building occupied by a bar room on the ground floor and two families in each story above. By 1904, the building was a hotel. Tax photos from the 1980s show the building with five stories. It is unclear if the original building was demolished or if the additional two stories were added at a later time.

Previously, this was Lot 59.

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Block : 556-2 / Lot : 7502 / Building Date : 2014 / Original Owner : YYY Third Avenue, LLC / Original Use : Commercial/Residential / Original Architect : Karl Fischer

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