East Village Building Blocks

6 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 463 | Lot #12

  • Building Date : 1831
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Thomas E. Davis/Daniel Rogers
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

This heavily-altered 4-story building started out as part of the row house development that Thomas E. Davis’ began in 1831. The first three floors have been added to, bringing out the front facade of the building and facing it with a red brick storefront topped with arched transom windows and an iron balustrade on the third-floor terrace. The facade is obscured by large retail signs. The upper floors of the building have been stuccoed and the attic level extended to create a full fourth floor.

In the early 20th century, this building was the home of The Modern School, an anti-capitalist and anarchist institution dedicated to “provide education to the working classes from a liberating, class-conscious perspective”. Famed academic and anarchist thinker Emma Goldman was a founder of the institution, and lived nearby on East 13th Street. In 1979, Bruce Mailman opened the New St. Mark’s Baths at this site. They were closed by the New York City Health Department in 1985.

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Block : 463 / Lot : 12 / Building Date : 1831/ Original Owner : Thomas E. Davis/Daniel Rogers / Original Use : Residential/ Original Architect : Unknown

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