East Village Building Blocks

8-12 Avenue A; 238-242 East Houston Street | Block : 397 | Lot #3-5

  • Building Date : 1873
  • Original Use : Residential/Commercial
  • Original Owner : Charles Folsom
  • Original Architect : Zachary Peck

Description & Building Alterations

Built as a row of four pre-law Italianate tenements in 1873, these three buildings that make up the northeast corner of 1st Street/East Houston Street and Avenue A were recently converted into condos (refer to additional photos in the sidebar to see the rest of the row). While the exteriors all retain their original curved window lintels and projecting sills and the cornice with large brackets typical of this design, the interiors have undergone major changes throughout the years.

The buildings functioned as apartments over a variety of ground-floor shops until 1925.  In that year, the apartments in No. 10 and No. 12 Avenue A were removed and the upper floors on No. 10 were used as furniture storage, while No. 12’s second floor was converted into a dance hall, and the third floor into a musician’s balcony.  The upper floors of No. 12 were also storage.  Then, in 1990, the upper floors were converted back into apartments.

From 1900 to at least the late 1950s, the building was owned by members of the Winthrop family.

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Block : 397 / Lot : 3-5 / Building Date : 1873 / Original Owner : Charles Folsom / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Zachary Peck


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