528 East 11th Street; 528-532 East 11th Street | Block : 404 | Lot #18
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story new law tenement was constructed in 1903 by owners Sarah Hamburger and Isaac Kleinfeld. It was designed by architecture firm Horenburger & Staub.
The red brick façade features brownstone trim. While the second-story windows are encased in egg-and-dart molding and floral designs, the third story consists of a Neo-Grec style design with a wave beltcourse. The fourth story is closer to the Italianate style and features a curved, drop lintel, split with a corbel. The fifth story consists of curved lintels with egg-and-dart molding broken with a keystone. As seen in the 1980s tax photo (see sidebar), the top story originally consisted of a separate lintel design and a projecting bracketed cornice, though this has since been removed.
The ground level still retains storefronts, which were part of the original construction.
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Block : 404 / Lot : 018 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Sarah Hamburger/Isaac Kleinfeld / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Horenburger & Staub
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