432 East 13th Street; 432-434 East 13th Street | Block : 440 | Lot #24
Description & Building Alterations
This five-bay wide, three-story tenement was built in 1903 for stores and 39 families, designed by Sass & Smallheiser. The present brick and terra cotta facade features a bracketed cornice with a frieze, attached pilasters with decorations at the sixth story, a molded cornice above the fifth floor, brick quoins at the shaft, splayed lintels with large keystones, a decorative beltcourse above the second floor, basket-style iron balconies, and a main entry flanked by engaged pilasters.
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Block : 440 / Lot : 024 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Hyman Romm / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Sass & Smallheiser
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