418 East 14th Street | Block : 441 | Lot #16
Description & Building Alterations
This five-story tenement was originally erected in 1852. According to tax assessment records, the lot was vacant and valued at $1,800 in 1851, owned by T.F. Jeremiah. The 1852 tax record is difficult to decipher, but the value of the lot seems to have raised to $4,000, indicating the construction of a new building. In 1853, the the owner continued to be T.F. Jeremiah.
The building’s facade has lost many historic details including the roof cornice, window lintels, and shallow parapet. The storefront has been largely altered.
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Block : 441 / Lot : 016 / Building Date : 1851-52 / Original Owner : T.F. Jeremiah / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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