East Village Building Blocks

36 East 2nd Street | Block : 458 | Lot #31-1

  • Building Date : 1834
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : John Delafield
  • Original Architect : Ephraim H. Wentworth

Description & Building Alterations

Along with the other row houses on this block, No. 36 East 2nd Street recalls the earliest phase of development in the East Village, when this portion of Second Avenue was considered a highly-desirable place to reside.

Reflecting its age and alterations, the brick and brownstone building retains its original Flemish Bond brickwork on all except the top floor and the rear extension (a seam is noticeable on the secondary facade, fronting Second Avenue, where the Flemish Bond stops and Running Bond begins). The building was originally 3 – 3.5 stories tall; the fourth floor and rear extension at 41 2nd Avenue were added in 1869 and designed by Julius Boekell. Its cornice and stoop have been removed and the entrance was moved to the ground level.

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Block : 458 / Lot : 031 / Building Date : 1834 / Original Owner : John Delafield / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect: Ephraim H. Wentworth

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