328-330 East 9th Street | Block : 450 | Lot #18
Description & Building Alterations
This six-story new-law brick tenement was erected in 1903, together with the building next to it on Lot 16, for two stores and 22 families. The facade features contrasting brick quoining at the building’s corners and end window bays, decorative terra-cotta details, splayed lintels, keystones, brick panels, and round-arched window openings at the fifth story’s flanking bays, enframed by brick pilasters. The historical iron cornice has been removed. The entrance at first story is enframed by iron pilasters supporting a molded entablature with brackets.
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Block : 450 / Lot : 018 / Building Date : 1903 / Original Owner : Max Dorf / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : David Stone
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