231 East 4th Street | Block : 400 | Lot #42
Description & Building Alterations
This pre-law Italianate tenement was built, according to maps, c. 1850 as two connected buildings with apartments over stores. Additionally, there was a brewery in the back of the lot that was removed by the 1880s. The lot was once part of William B. Astor’s holdings and was leased out to various people between 1850-1875.
In the mid-1930s the buildings were remodeled, and the projecting lintels and sills were shaved down and the ground-floor shops partially replaced with apartments. At some point, the facade was painted.
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Block : 400 / Lot : 42 / Building Date : c. 1850/ Original Owner : Unknown / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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