224 East 5th Street | Block : 460 | Lot #23
Description & Building Alterations
This 3 story, Neo-Federal, cement stucco building was originally constructed in circa 1844-45 as two separate row houses. They were combined in a circa 1952 alteration by architects Schuman & Lichtenstein. It features a projecting entryway surround flanked by pilasters and topped by sunburst and bracketed gable; projecting window sills; sunbursts above the first-story windows; molded band above the third story with central medallion; and stepped parapet with central gable.
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Block : 460 / Lot : 23 / Building Date : 1844-45, altered 1952 / Original Owner : Anson Phelps (1844), Ladies Auxiliary of the Rabbi Jacob Sirovich Talmud Torah (1952) / Original Use : Residential (1844), Institutional (1952) / Original Architect : Unknown (1844), Schuman & Lichtenstein (1952)
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