163 First Avenue; 241-243 East 10th Street | Block : 452 | Lot #37
Description & Building Alterations
A four-story tenement was built on this lot before 1909. There was a three-story building on the lot in 1886, which could have been converted into the four-story tenement present in the beginning of the 20th century. In 1949 its third and fourth stories were demolished and it was converted into a two-story commercial building for stores and offices. The current third floor was likely added in the late 20th century.
The present facade still features the stepped roof line below the third story and second-story window openings from the 1949 alteration.
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Block : 452 / Lot : 037 / Building Date : Before 1909, 1949 / Original Owner : Unknown / Original Use : Residential/Commercial / Original Architect : Unknown
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