East Village Building Blocks

149 Avenue B | Block : 392 | Lot #4

  • Building Date : 1852-1854
  • Original Use : Residential
  • Original Owner : Thadiasis Glover
  • Original Architect : Unknown

Description & Building Alterations

This five-story building was built 1852-54 as a private residence.  Originally 3-stories tall, in 1900 the original front stoop entrance was removed and the main entrance moved to the basement.  Likely during this same remodel, the original window lintels and sills were replaced.  The building’s use also changed from that of a home to a day nursery.

In 1944, the building was purchased from the nursery school by the New York Gospel Mission to the Jews and converted into an outreach mission with residences on the upper floor.

The facade was significantly altered around 2019. Before that, the facade had been stuccoed and repainted, the circa 1900 window surrounds had been removed, and the pressed metal cornice had lost much of its detail.

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Block : 392 / Lot : 004 / Building Date : 1852-1854 / Original Owner : Thadiasis Glover / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown

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