137 First Avenue; 81-83 St. Mark’s Place | Block : 450 | Lot #33
Description & Building Alterations
Three five-story tenements sit on Lot 33. Originally, two three-and-a-half-story row houses were built on this lot between 1844 and 1845 at 81 & 83 St. Mark’s Place. One of them was raised to four stories and then five stories between 1863 and 1867. The other row house was raised to five stories between 1875 and 1876. Another three-story building was erected on site between 1866 and 1867 at 137 First Avenue and raised to five stories before 1869. All of this information is based on tax records.
Most historical details of 137 First Avenue have been lost. No 81 St. Mark’s Place features a bracketed cornice with a paneled frieze, molded lintels with brackets and footed sills, except at the east bay. No. 83 St. Mark’s Place features a simplified cornice on the south facade and simple rectangular sills at the corner bay, with some windows infilled and other details stripped.
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Block : 450 / Lot : 033 / Building Date : 1844-45 (Nos. 81 & 83) & 1863-66 (No. 137) / Original Owner : J. V. Snediker (Nos. 81 & 83); George Wetteran (N. 137) / Original Use : Residential / Original Architect : Unknown
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