122 Second Avenue | Block : 449 | Lot #3
Description & Building Alterations
There existed a house on this lot as early as 1841. In 1912 a four-story with basement club house was extended to five stories on this site.
The current facade features two-story-high pilasters flanking the base, projecting brickwork at first and second stories, and stepped parapet. The historic bracketed cornice above the fourth story has been removed. The building served as a factory in the early 20th century, and the upper stories were converted to residential use around 2001-03 under the ownership of Ukrainian Soccer Club.
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Block : 449 / Lot : 003 / Building Date : 1841, 1912 / Original Owner : James L. Graham(1841), H. Milgrim & Bros.(1912) / Original Use : Institutional / Original Architect : Unknown(1841), Maximilian Zipkes, Inc.(1912)
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